Sunday, September 21, 2014

Winter Garden

Today Murry marked off the grid for planting our winter garden in my small garden space. If all goes well we should have some great winter vegetables.


Sunday, September 14, 2014

Learning Blogsy

I took a couple of pictures, downloaded them to my iPad, and now am trying to put them in my Daily Life blog. I need to practice using this before I go on my trip to Turkey and Greece. I spoke to Charlene yesterday at the Bethrsda Village fund raiser, and she asked me to pray for her. Her left shoulder is very painful and she is concerned that she will not be able to go on the trip. I have been praying!


Here is a picture I took of myself with my new camera.

I am sitting in my den working on Blogsy.


Thursday, July 31, 2014

Servant's Team Meeting

The Lord has put me in the position to be working with some wonderful women! Last Monday, July 28, we had our servants team meeting for the month. I am learning from these women not only the importance of prayer but how to incorporate prayer into my everyday life.

This is Beth. Our fearless leader! Isn't she beautiful!

Today was the day that we asked the Lord to help us do the "Holy Shuffle". We placed all the ladies that have registered into their core groups. We filled four and a half groups!